Your Complete Tree Removal Cost Guide in Highland Park
Do you have a tree on the property of your home, business or any other type of private property in Highland Park, Illinois that appears to be dead, dying, possibly affected by a disease, damaged, or constitutes a hazard to persons or property?
Before attempting to remove the tree yourself, or even calling a tree care company, here are important facts to know upfront so you don’t run into unexpected and unwanted surprises.
Important Facts To Know Upfront When Removing a Tree
It is unlawful for anyone in Highland Park, IL to remove or damage, any “Protected”, “Key” or “Heritage” Tree Prior to issuance of Tree Removal Permit by the City of Highland Park.
Let’s break down what that means.
We can find the exact definitions in Sec. 94.402. – Definitions and Construction in the city of Highland Park’s code of ordinances for “Protected”, “Key” or “Heritage” Trees to ensure we are all on the same page before moving forward:
Protected Tree: Any Tree having a diameter of eight inches (8″) DBH or larger or having an Aggregate Diameter of 15 inches DBH or larger, except any tree in the genera Rhamnus (Blackthorn) or Salix (Willow).
Heritage Tree: Any Tree of the following genera or species:
- All trees in the genus Quercus (Oaks) greater than or equal to 30″ DBH;
- Ulmus Americana (American Elm) greater than or equal to 40″ DBH;
- All trees in the genus Carya (Hickory) greater than or equal to 20″ DBH; or
- All trees in the genus Juglans (Walnut) greater than or equal to 30″ DBH
Key Tree: Any Protected Tree of the following genera or species:
- Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple);
- All trees in the genus Carya (Hickory);
- Taxodium distichum (Bald Cypress);
- Celtis occidentalis (Hackberry);
- Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo);
- Gymnocladus dioicus (Coffee tree);
- All trees in the genus Juglans (Walnut)
- Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas Fir);
- Pinus strobus (White Pine);
- Picea abies (Norway Spruce);
- Quercus velutina (Black Oak);
- Quercus macrocarpa (Burr Oak);
- Quercus alba (White Oak);
- Quercus rubra (Red Oak); or
- Quercus bicolor (Swamp White Oak).
Tree Regulations To Know In Highland Park
How to apply for a Tree Removal Permit in Highland Park, IL?
For assistance with your Tree Removal Permit Application give Highland Parks favorite Tree Care Specialists “Allied Tree Care” a call. They can walk you through the entire process and even help you submit your tree removal application to ensure all your information is correct to save time.
Allied Tree Care
(847) 602-5000
Step 1 – Thankfully with technology and the internet, you can apply for your Highland Park Tree Removal Permit online from the comfort of your home by going to this website:
This is what the Highland Park Forestry Section Page looks like as of 10/10/2018. Please keep in mind, it mentions the website is under construction, so it is possible it will look different in the future.
If you are not tech savvy and you prefer printing out your application and mailing or dropping it off, that is perfectly ok as well. Click here to download and print your Tree Removal Permit Application and bring the completed form to:
Public Works Department
1150 Half Day Rd,
Highland Park, IL 60035
Step 2 – Once you reach this page, you want to click on the Online Tree Permit Application link, which will pull up your Highland Park Tree Removal Permit Application which is shown below:

Step 3 – For assistance with your Tree Removal Permit Application give Highland Parks favorite Tree Care Specialists “Allied Tree Care” a call. They can walk you through the entire process and even help you submit your tree removal application to ensure all your information is correct to save time, and the best part is there is no extra charge for this service.
Allied Tree Care
(847) 602-5000
Before I call, what will this cost?
The good news is Allied Tree Care puts the Tree Removal Permit Application Process and Fee from the City in their service fee to reduce a payment and step in your process.
It goes without saying that depending on the size and scope of each project will determine the final price of your specific project, but to help set proper expectations we put together our average project costs from the past year for Highland Park Tree Removal home projects.
The average price for Tree Removals for homeowners in Highland Park typically runs between $500-$700 normally but can be as low as $200 and as high as $1500.
Here is what you should expect when hiring your Tree Removal Company:
- Expert Tree Care Evaluation
- Safe Removal of Tree
- High-Quality Tree Removal Clean Up
- Friendly, Qualified and Efficient Arborist and Tree Care Staff
For more information on Tree Removal Services, please visit:
Sec. 94.402. – Definitions and Construction.
These definitions are taken directly from TREE PRESERVATION section of the Highland Park code of ordinances.
(A) The language in the text of this Chapter shall be interpreted in accordance with the following rules of construction:
- The singular number includes the plural number, and the plural the singular;
- The word “shall” is mandatory; the word “may” is permissive; and
- The masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter.
(B) Whenever hereafter in this Chapter the following words and phrases are used, they shall, for the purposes of this Chapter, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this Subsection, except when the context otherwise indicates.
Aggregate Diameter: The combined diameter of a multiple trunk Tree measured at Breast Height.
Building Activity Area: That buildable area of a lot in which construction and building activities are to be limited and hence shall be the smallest possible area of a lot or parcel of land within which building activity may take place, including the entire area affected by building and grading activities related to the proposed construction, to be determined with maximum regard for existing Trees.
Caliper: The diameter of a Tree trunk six inches (6″) above the existing grade or proposed planted grade. Caliper is usually used in reference to nursery stock for new plantings.
Canopy Zone: The area inscribed by the trunk branches and leaves of a Tree.
Damage: Any act that results in the death, likely death, loss in value, loss in aesthetic value, or substantial destruction of a Tree, or causes the Tree to become diseased or a hazard to persons or property, as determined by the City Forester or his or her designee.
Diameter Breast Height Or “DBH”: The diameter of a Tree measured at four and one-half feet (4½’) above the existing grade at the base of the Tree.
General Contractor: An individual, partnership, corporation, association, joint venture, governmental entity, or commercial entity that is a property owner or directly contracts with a property owner and performs or manages a project on such owner’s property that requires the issuance of a building permit.
Heritage Tree: Any Tree of the following genera or species:
- All trees in the genus Quercus (Oaks) greater than or equal to 30″ DBH;
- Ulmus Americana (American Elm) greater than or equal to 40″ DBH;
- All trees in the genus Carya (Hickory) greater than or equal to 20″ DBH; or
- All trees in the genus Juglans (Walnut) greater than or equal to 30″ DBH
Key Tree: Any Protected Tree of the following genera or species:
- Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple);
- All trees in the genus Carya (Hickory);
- Taxodium distichum (Bald Cypress);
- Celtis occidentalis (Hackberry);
- Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo);
- Gymnocladus dioicus (Coffee tree);
- All trees in the genus Juglans (Walnut)
- Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas Fir);
- Pinus strobus (White Pine);
- Picea abies (Norway Spruce);
- Quercus velutina (Black Oak);
- Quercus macrocarpa (Burr Oak);
- Quercus alba (White Oak);
- Quercus rubra (Red Oak); or
- Quercus bicolor (Swamp White Oak).
Lot or Lot of Record: A portion of platted land measured, set apart, and subdivided as a distinct parcel having its principal frontage upon a street and created and delineated upon a plat of subdivision or resubdivision approved by the Mayor and City Council of the City, and so recorded by the Recorder of Deeds of Lake County, Illinois.
Pandemic: Prevalent al over a wide geographical area of Lake County, the State of Illinois, the United States of America, or the world.
Plant Palette: A list of species of plants that, in the opinion of the City Forester, are:
- native to the City or to the surrounding area;
- not likely to harm other plants in the City; and
- reasonably likely to grow successfully in the City.
The Plant Palette is divided into three categories:
- Deciduous Shade (Category A),
- Evergreen (Category B), and
- Deciduous Ornamental (Category C).
Protected Tree: Any Tree having a diameter of eight inches (8″) DBH or larger or having an Aggregate Diameter of 15 inches DBH or larger, except any tree in the genera Rhamnus (Blackthorn) or Salix (Willow).
Regulated Public Utility: Any utility certified by the Illinois Commerce Commission to provide service to any customer within the corporate limits of the City of Highland Park.
Remove or Removal: The causing or accomplishing of the actual physical removal of a Tree, or the effective removal through damaging, poisoning, or other direct or indirect action resulting in, or likely to result in, the death of a Tree.
Root Zone: The area inscribed by an imaginary line on the ground beneath a Tree having its center point at the center of the trunk of the Tree and having a radius equal to one foot (1′) for every inch of DBH.
Steep Slope Zone: “Steep Slope Zone” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 150.202 of Chapter 150 of this Code.
Tree: A self-supporting, woody plant, together with its root system, having a well-defined stem or trunk or a multi-stemmed trunk system, a more or less well-defined crown, and a mature height of at least eight feet. “Tree” shall not include trees in containers or nursery stock trees maintained for resale.
Tree Maintenance: The causing or accomplishment of actual physical actions taken to promote the health, condition, and form of trees, including, but not limited to, pruning, watering, fertilizing, bracing, cabling, and improving the condition of the roots, trunk, and canopy of trees.
Tree Preservation Area: Those areas of a Lot or parcel of land within which all Trees with a six-inch DBH or larger shall be protected.
Tree Preservation Plan: A written plan having text and/or graphic illustrations indicating the methods which are to be used to preserve existing Trees during construction, which plan shall:
- (i) include a Tree Survey; and
- (ii) depict the proposed placement of all utility service lines on the subject property.
Tree Removal Permit: That permit required by this Chapter to be issued in order to Remove:
- Any Protected, Key or Heritage Tree within the corporate limits of the City of Highland Park Illinois; or
- Any Tree in the Steep Slope Zone within the corporate limits of the City of Highland Park Illinois.
Tree Survey: A graphic display of all existing Trees upon the Lot with a six inch (6″) DBH or greater, which survey shall also contain the approximate outline of the Root Zone of each such Tree. If requested by the City Forester, the survey shall also identify the size and species of each Tree, and an opinion, from a certified arborist, of the condition and form of each Tree.
Vision Triangle: “Vision Triangle” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 150.202 of Chapter 150 of this Code.
Zoning Code: Chapter 150 of this Code.
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